Na'amal: Voices of Resilience Podcast

16.03.23: Storytelling is a powerful tool for researchers in gathering data and information. It provides context, meaning, and emotion to otherwise dry and factual information, making it all the more compelling, understandable, and importantly, relatable to policy-makers to action change. What researchers, or aid workers, do with the stories gathered from forced migrants can be a tool to amplify refugee voices as forms of knowledge that are valid not only as testimony but as expertise to design research, programmes and policies.

Building up to the Migration Summit 2023, Samuel Hall’s co-founder, Nassim Majidi spoke to Clay Lowe on the Voices of Resilience podcast by Na’amal exploring the power of storytelling within migration & refugee research - including its ethics and realities on field

Some of these insights were based on a co-authored paper Storytelling in Research with Refugees by Nassim Majidi & Adam Saltsman from the Department of Urban Studies, Worcester State University - who explore the potential of such methods in their research.

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Samuel Hall