A European Dialogue on the return and reintegration of migrants

17-18.10.2019 - Samuel Hall’s Data Standards & Analytics Pillar Lead, Stefanie Barratt, participated in the European Dialogue on Return and Sustainable Reintegration of Migrants. A joint initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). The European Dialogue took a closer look at the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and specifically on Objective 21 which refers to ‘cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration’. Building on our experience in devising appropriate metrics, Samuel Hall staff specifically addressed the topic of measuring reintegration.

Berlin, Germany

Samuel Hall