Our data is often based on commissioned research pieces. But we do more than just publish reports. Our researchers are recognised experts in their field who aim to reshape narratives on often misunderstood issues. They participate in conferences, produce think pieces and academic articles, organise and facilitate events, from community workshops to policy meetings. They use our data to speak to bigger messages of inclusion and integration.



Samuel Hall’s research contributes to a paradigm shift to migrants as actors of change for the societies that they belong to, temporarily or permanently. Using quantitative and qualitative participatory research with migrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons, we build evidence on their protection needs, capabilities, contributions to society, and aspirations. Our policy lab uses this evidence to advise donors, practitioners, government officials, and policymakers through bespoke training sessions to build capacity and encourage action and policy-making that adhere to international frameworks. We continue to partner with United Nations agencies, international and national NGOs, and humanitarian and development departments of governments, as well as private sector service providers and companies in the countries and regions where we are based. 

The panel below reflects some of the workshops we have designed and delivered. Click here to see all our training workshops and get in touch if you would like to collaborate.


As part of our larger humanitarian impact and our effort to compile information from our primary research conducted in contexts of migration and displacement, Samuel Hall has been preparing ‘Country of Origin Information’ (COI) reports intended to be used as support materials for the asylum seekers, to assist their legal counsel with the preparation of international protection cases. 

These reports detail the security situation in countries of origin, and the impact of this on specific asylum seekers, along with prominent protection threats and risks for returnees. Our insights are drawn from our extensive research experience, having conducted 300+ projects in 60+ countries over 10+ years as well as first-hand experience of complex and fragile settings. 

The COI reports, produced at discounted rates to support our partners in the best possible way, highlight relevant sources for lawyers in the EU, with objective evidence and conclusions. Our current countries of expertise include Afghanistan and Somalia. 
If you are a lawyer or an asylum seeker who would like to be assisted with their case; please get in touch at development@samuelhall.org.


Samuel Hall has been instrumental in the facilitation, organisation, and participation in events focused on migration and displacement; ranging from hackathons, participatory forums, webinars and seminars, international conferences and so on. We strive for our events to be collaborative, participatory and inclusive.

The panel below reflects some of the events we have organised and participated in. Click here to see all our events