EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH): Building evidence and harmonising approaches on reintegration

9.12.22: Nassim Majidi, co-founder of Samuel Hall had the opportunity to present key insights from our work on Return and Reintegration at the “Building evidence and harmonising approaches on reintegration’ organised by EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) to improve future programming. 

The aim of this session was to reflect and brainstorm on how KMH results can contribute to the conceptualization and implementation of migrant protection, return and reintegration initiatives at the global level. Some of the key discussion points made to improve future programming included the role of research in designing and implementing return and reintegration programmes, challenges of Harmonization vs. contextualization in  return and reintegration programmes implementation, benefits & approaches of capacity development initiatives and discussing what makes the communities of practices and fora useful and inclusive.

Samuel Hall