Muungano wa Wanavijiji, Kenya & IIED - Participatory Forum on Protracted Displacement in Urban World

31.03.22: To improve the well-being & livelihoods of displaced people; participation in urban life & contribution to host cities; Samuel Hall has collaborated with the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) led large-scale study to compare experiences of displacement in cities & camps in Afghanistan, Jordan, Ethiopia and Kenya.

In light of this, Samuel Hall co-founder Nassim Majidi and Regional Operations Officer Jared Owuor attended a participatory forum in Nairobi organised by Muungano wa Wanavijiji (a social movement of 'slum' residents and urban poor people in Kenya)

The forum saw other attendees such as the Mayors Migration Council, regional and government agencies and refugee-led organisations to continue the discussion around this project on 'urban refugees: self-reliance, well-being, livelihoods & host dynamics.’

Samuel Hall