Save the Children: Children Affected by Armed Conflicts Conference (CAACConference)

2.12.22: Team SH recently had the opportunity to present our findings on conflict-sensitive capacity gap assessment to prevent & respond to the recruitment of children into armed groups at #CAACConference2022 a.k.a the Children Affected by Conflict Conference held from 28th to 30th November, 2022 at Nairobi, Kenya. It was organised by Save the Children International, and Common Market for East and Southern Africa (COMESA), with support from the government of Sweden and the European Union.

Key recommendations from the team focused on a need for more frequent conflict analysis to promote a more nuanced view of risks. There is an urgent need to engage with root causes rather than symptoms. The team also presented key findings on how engaging through religious and communities can help better understand their roles and limitations. There was a call for creating gender transformative programming and involving youth to lead prevention and response initiatives.

Samuel Hall