Study on Reintegration Outcomes Through A Comparative Analysis: Results Presentation

07.10.2020 - Nassim Majidi, Co-Director and Migration Pillar lead, together with Camille Kasavan, Migration Pillar Project Manager presented the results of the ‘Study on Reintegration Outcomes through a Comparative Analysis. The study commissioned by IOM in the context of the ORION project funded by the UK Department for International Development, was conducted by Samuel Hall and the University of Sussex. The study aimed to assess how different factors can impact the reintegration of returning migrants, and to identify the most effective reintegration support practices in Guinea, Morocco and Senegal, with a specific focus on the mentoring approach piloted under the ORION Project. The Webinar is organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub in partnership with Samuel Hall and the University of Sussex.

Geneva, Switzerland

Samuel Hall