DACAAR – Towards the Triple Nexus: Toolkit on Afghanistan's NPP, SDGs & Triple Nexus
November 2020
This study examines where and how DACAAR should align its strategy with the Afghanistan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), National Priority Programs and the Triple Nexus.
The triple nexus is a continuation of long-running efforts to link Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD), going a step further to link these with the aim to end conflicts. Adding the peacebuilding side to the organisation’s efforts, will shift it from being the double nexus of humanitarian-development aid, to triple nexus with peace being “the third leg of the triangle”.
The resulting toolkit will help DACAAR and other NGO partners to identify the linkage of Afghanistan Sustainable Development Goals, with their interventions and how to contribute to peacebuilding in Afghanistan through their work with Afghan communities. It also reveals where the gaps are and how organisations can further contribute to fill them.