Posts tagged Displacement
Forced Migration Review: Financing Displacement Response

November 2024

From humanitarian aid by wealthy governments to remittances from diaspora communities, responses to forced displacement are shaped by funding from an array of actors, in ways that express those actors’ interests and priorities. In recent years, new actors and new financing approaches have emerged.

What do these shifts mean for forcibly displaced people and displacement response strategies? How does displacement response financing interact with the choices of forcibly displaced people and their communities, with local and global economies, and with broader geopolitical events and trends? This issue advances understanding of these questions and others.

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NRC: Challenges of IDP Protection: Research study on the protection of internally displaced persons in Afghanistan

November 2012

This report – based on research from Samuel Hall Consulting and commissioned by the Norwegian Refugee Council – provides the first systematic overview of protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Afghanistan. It combines the voices of IDPs with analysis of the decision-making processes shaping responses to internal displacement. The authors show that internal displacement is not a merely humanitarian ‘problem’ but should be just as much the concern of those in the development community. Recommendations are offered to help the Government of Afghanistan develop a national IDP policy.

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