GIZ/GOPA/ICMPD - Circular Migration, Return & Reintegration, Serbia

June, 2022

We conducted training for representatives from government ministries in Serbia on circular migration, return and reintegration, with a focus on how these can be used to foster development.

The training took place over two days with 25 participants from 10 Ministries/Institutions and 5 Municipalities, with a mixture of group exercises and plenary sections allowing for joint reflection on key gaps, challenges and opportunities in the Republic of Serbia related to returnees and circular migration.

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Samuel Hall
The Hague Academy - Livelihoods Programming in Protracted Refugee Responses, The Hague

November, 2021

The Hague Academy of Local Governance organised a two-week training course on ‘Migration & Local Authorities’ for field practitioners in countries including Rwanda, Lebanon, Turkey, and Colombia. Stefanie Barratt, Samuel Hall’s Data Standards and Analytics Pillar lead conducted a workshop on ‘Cash, Graduation, Compacts - Livelihoods Programming in Protracted Refugee Responses’.

Highlighting the employment gaps between migrants and native-born populations, the training session discussed the benefits and downsides of various approaches to refugee livelihoods.

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Samuel Hall