Posts in Migration & Displacement
JID - Building the Resilience of Afghan Displaced Women

January 2014

Over 76% of Afghans have been forcibly displaced during their lifetime. In a situation of high vulnerabilities but low resilience, what is – and what can be – the response to Afghan women’s need for protection in displacement?

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UNHCR - Shelter Assistance Programme Evaluation

November 2012

Evaluating UNHCR shelter programme’s contribution to reintegration outcomes for returnees and IDPs. A decade and 220,000 units built: what should be the future of the shelter strategy? Analysis based on a sample of 4,488 respondents in 15 Afghan provinces.

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Maastricht University - Complexities and Challenges in Afghan Migration

April 2013

How complex is Afghan migration and what are the challenges associated with it? These questions were addressed at a workshop hosted by the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance in Brussels (8-9 April 2013) with the participation of Samuel Hall.

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World Bank & UNHCR – Research Study on IDPs in urban settings - Afghanistan

May 2011

Part of broader World Bank research on poverty in Afghanistan, the study focuses on IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) living in informal settlements in urban centres as a vulnerable segment of the population. The study discusses characteristics, livelihood strategies and vulnerabilities of households living in informal settlements in three urban centres in Afghanistan: Kabul, Kandahar and Herat. It finds that a comprehensive and integrated approach to displacement in urban areas is needed, and argues that sustainable solutions for IDPs in informal settlements must be developed, not simply humanitarian interventions.

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MEI/FRS - Urban Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons

January 2011

How to respond to urban displacement and improve the care and maintenance to vulnerable displaced and returnee populations in Afghanistan’s main cities? After reviewing the background and context of urban displacement in Afghanistan, this paper aimed at highlighting the relevance and timeliness of analysing the movements of returnees and IDPs to Afghanistan’s main cities.

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