Posts tagged displaced persons
Planning for Inclusive Urban Solutions in Afghanistan - From the Protracted Displacement in an Urban World Consortium

May 2024

Afghanistan hosts over 3.2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and over 17 million returnees, with half a million Afghan nationals repatriated from Pakistan in late 2023 alone. This reality calls for new investments in inclusive urban solutions.

Our research in Afghanistan through the Protracted Displacement in an Urban World (PDUW) project led by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)  from 2020 to 2023 focuses on long-term displacement experiences in urban areas and settlements - with the aim to build a robust evidence base to engage in a conversation with local actors and advocate for inclusive urban solutions through participatory forum planning processes.

This two-pager outlines the specifics of the research conducted in Afghanistan spanning from 2020 to 2024. The project comprised 889 initial surveys that informed 5 participatory forums engaging diverse stakeholders. The findings, based on three interrelated themes; wellbeing, livelihoods (with a particular focus on women), and urban city planning, provide invaluable insights into the overlooked dynamics of protracted displacement.

For a deeper understanding of the project's outcomes, please refer to the 2-pager and the attached outputs.

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NRC - The Challenges Displaced Afghans Face in Securing Durable Solutions

January 2018

This policy brief explores the situation faced by returnees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Afghanistan, calling for a collective approach across the humanitarian-developmentpeace nexus.

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NRC - A Research Study on the Challenges of IDP Protection in Afghanistan

January 2018

This analysis focuses on assessing the causes of prolonged and multiple displacement and seeks to present the key protection challenges still confronting displacement-affected Afghans today. Combining the voices of IDPs with analysis of primary data collected from IDPs and secondarily displaced returning refugees across Afghanistan.

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NRC - Going "Home" to Displacement

December 2017

The data presented in this case study is drawn from 2017 research on IDPs’ protection needs carried out by Samuel Hall for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). A large quantitative survey was conducted in Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Kunduz and Nangarhar provinces, where data was collected in rural, peri-urban and urban areas. Of 2,580 respondents, 1,161 were returnee-IDPs and 1,420 other IDPs. The sample data is neither representative nor random, but combined with focus group discussions with displaced people and other community members, the research captures their narratives, protection needs and experiences.

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UNHCR - The Multi-Dimensional Integration Index: Pilot Results

June 2017

The Multi-Dimensional Integration Index (MDI) focuses exclusively on displacement-related vulnerabilities. Based on UNHCR’s definition of reintegration, it assumes that the displaced are integrated when they are indistinguishable from the local non-displaced population.This report presents MDI pilot findings.

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NRC - Access to Tazkera and Other Civil Documentation in Afghanistan

November 2016

The purpose of this research is to inform future work in supporting displacement-affected persons to access civil documentation as well as accessing other rights and services connected to it. This will in turn contribute to enabling persons affected by displacement to achieve durable solutions – whether through local integration, or return/settlement in another part of Afghanistan.

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Samuel Hall - Urban Displaced Youth in Kabul - Part 1: Mental Health Matters

June 2016

Largely ignored for over 10 years, the role of Afghanistan’s youth in transition has been increasingly in the spotlight since 2013, the year of the National Youth Policy. Much more needs to be done to bring change for youth as 60% of Afghanistan’s population is under the age of 24. Taking the case of Kabul’s urban displaced youth, this study shows just how. This is the first of a three-part series that will be released between now and August 2016, ahead of the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan.

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DACAAR - Agency and Choice Among the Displaced

July 2015

The focus of this study was on the decision-making process behind refugee returnees’ and IDPs’ choices of destination. More specifically this research identifies factors that influence whether a returnee/IDP individual, family or community chooses to move to an urban or a rural location.

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OCHA - June Humanitarian Bulletin

June 2015

The focus of humanitarian and development assistance should be on the poorest families; many of whom will be either internally displaced or returnees. However, the argument for targeting returning refugees as a particular group is becoming less convincing. As this study and previous studies (Samuel Hall/MGSOG 2013 UNHCR Shelter assistance programme evaluation) show, returnees are comparatively less vulnerable compared to internally displaced persons.

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DRC - Great Lakes Civil Society Project

December 2014

Samuel Hall was commissioned by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) in October 2014 to conduct a mid-term review of the second phase of the Great Lakes Civil Society Programme (GLP), a regional programme implemented since January 2010 by DRC with funding from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).

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MORR/UNHCR/NRC - Afghanistan National IDP Policy Brief

April 2015

This Policy Brief, prepared with the support of UNHCR and NRC, is intended to serve as a reference guide to help all stakeholders understand what their role is in supporting the effective implementation of the Policy and to contribute towards ensuring that the rights of IDPs are protected throughout all phases of displacement.

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NRC - Strengthening HLP Rights for Displaced Women in Afghanistan

July 2014

The objective of this study is to summarise trends from NRC’s legal case analysis and identify the challenges faced by displaced women in accessing their housing, land and property (HLP) rights. This study offers evidence and guidance for policymakers and NRC to help eliminate – not just outcomes – of gender inequality.

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DRC/WHH - Cash-Based Assistance Programmes for IDPs in the Kabul Informal Settlements

May 2014

Samuel Hall was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the 2013/2014 winter’s cash interventions through a three-phased approach including a baseline, midline and endline survey of their winter cash assistance activities in the KIS through a field- and evidence-based, quantitative and qualitative research study.

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IOM - IDP Movement Tracking, Needs and Vulnerability Analysis - Afghanistan

May 2014

This study presents the results of IOM’s IDP Movement Tracking and Needs and Vulnerability Analysis Exercise conducted in Dec 2013 by Samuel Hall. It seeks to provide IOM – and its migration and displacement partners – with field-based evidence of issues that negatively impact both conflict and natural disaster-induced IDPs in Afghanistan.

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JID - Building the Resilience of Afghan Displaced Women

January 2014

Over 76% of Afghans have been forcibly displaced during their lifetime. In a situation of high vulnerabilities but low resilience, what is – and what can be – the response to Afghan women’s need for protection in displacement?

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UNHCR - Shelter Assistance Programme Evaluation

November 2012

Evaluating UNHCR shelter programme’s contribution to reintegration outcomes for returnees and IDPs. A decade and 220,000 units built: what should be the future of the shelter strategy? Analysis based on a sample of 4,488 respondents in 15 Afghan provinces.

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DRC - AfPak Labour Market Assessment

September 2013

Samuel Hall researchers aimed to assist DRC in planning for its livelihoods programming by answering the following key research question: ‘What are the segments of the Afghan urban labour market with the biggest labour supply gaps and future opportunities for displaced populations?’

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DRC - Cash Programme Review for IDPs in the KIS

May 2013

DRC commissioned Samuel Hall to research the relevance and applicability of cash-based interventions in the Kabul Informal Settlements, with a focus on identifying the risks and protection issues for a cash approach, and assessing its viability for IDPs.

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Solidarités International - Sustaining the Working Poor in the Kabul Informal Settlements

December 2012

This third study by Samuel Hall on the living conditions of Afghan IDPs contributes to the knowledge needed to mainstream protection in policy responses.

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