Posts tagged research
ILO: Ethical guidelines for research on child labour

January 2024

Samuel Hall, in partnership with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine  have formulated Ethical Guidelines for Research on Child Labour, setting a new benchmark for safeguarding children's rights in research; funded by the United States Department of Labor.

The guidelines underscore the urgency of ethical considerations in researching child labour, emphasising a "do no harm" principle, informed consent, and the importance of respecting children's rights and dignity. 

Designed as a practical toolkit, the guidelines offer researchers clear methodologies for ethical decision-making, ensuring that the welfare of child participants is always prioritised.

Offering an ‘Ethical Checklist’ for all phases of the research; they serve as a compass guiding researchers through the ethical complexities of data collection, analysis, and dissemination, ensuring that the welfare of child participants is at the forefront.

These guidelines also offer a comprehensive toolkit for researchers, featuring decision trees -  to navigate consent processes in situations where obtaining consent may be complex. They also include strategies for anonymising data to protect children's identities while still allowing for impactful research outcomes.

These guidelines  aim to inspire a shift towards research methodologies that not only generate valuable insights but also protect and empower child participants. Read through these by clicking on the link and scroll through a summary of our ethical checklist during various phases of research. 

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HALO Trust - Mine Action in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover: Imperatives in 2021 and Beyond

November 2021

The HALO Trust commissioned Samuel Hall to conduct empirical research on mine action in Afghanistan in June 2021, two months before the Taliban takeover of the country. The research involved primary data collection in two rural villages, in order to explore changes at the community level that occurred subsequent to HALO Trust landmine clearance. Samuel Hall had also conducted four prior studies and evaluations on mine action in Afghanistan from 2019-2021. This combined research informed the development of a policy brief, which explores the following areas: the changed political context but enduring humanitarian needs in Afghanistan; mine action in Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover; and policy implications and recommendations regarding principled mine action support in Afghanistan and globally.

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Dutch MFA/NWO - Aspirations and Youth programming in Somalia and Afghanistan

April 2018

We undertook data analysis and primary data collection in Afghanistan, Somalia, Greece and Italy to understand the commonalities and differences in decision-making processes – whether to migrate or to stay – among youth in conflict-affected settings.

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Shamshad TV - Audience Research for the Marketing and Communications Department

July 2015

In order to continue being a company that duly caters to its customers, Shamshad TV commissioned Samuel Hall with a phone-based audience research. Conducted in Kabul and other relevant provinces, it targeted a sample of 2000 respondents, both male and female. This research aims shape Shamshad TV’s future strategy in terms of programming and time viewership.

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HARAKAT - Special Economic Zones in Afghanistan

July 2015

To help the Government of Afghanistan (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) and its partners promote ambitious economic and employment generation schemes in the country, this report investigates the economic context for Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Afghanistan across seven regions in the country: Kabul, Balkh, Nangarhar, Paktia, Kunduz, Kandahar, and Herat.

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NRC - Strengthening HLP Rights for Displaced Women in Afghanistan

July 2014

The objective of this study is to summarise trends from NRC’s legal case analysis and identify the challenges faced by displaced women in accessing their housing, land and property (HLP) rights. This study offers evidence and guidance for policymakers and NRC to help eliminate – not just outcomes – of gender inequality.

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NRC - Living Out of Camp - Alternative to Camp-Based Assistance for Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia

May 2014

This research is the first study of alternatives to camp-based assistance in Ethiopia for Eritrean refugees, and the first thorough review of Ethiopia’s Out-of-Camp scheme (OCP).

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Save the Children - Study on Schools as Zones of Peace

November 2013

In Afghanistan, children’s access to education has improved considerably during the last decade. Yet, security continues to deteriorate in many parts of the country, placing education gains for many children at risk. Schools, students, and educators in conflict settings are direct targets of threats and attacks. This document provides highlights from research conducted by Samuel Hall Consulting for Save the Children International (SCI) in 2013.

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DRC - Cash Programme Review for IDPs in the KIS

May 2013

DRC commissioned Samuel Hall to research the relevance and applicability of cash-based interventions in the Kabul Informal Settlements, with a focus on identifying the risks and protection issues for a cash approach, and assessing its viability for IDPs.

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ODI - Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium

October 2011

Over the last decade, the international community has allocated billions of dollars in funding for programming in livelihoods, service provision and social protection; however there has been little accompanying investment in research as a sector or as an internal capacity. Livelihoods remain under researched in Afghanistan.

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WFP - Redefining Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan

July 2011

This policy paper reviewed the changing humanitarian context for United Nations agencies in Afghanistan and provided the World Food Programme (WFP) with strategic recommendations on how to position itself in this context, fulfil a complex mandate and re-orient its programmes for increased technical and financial effectiveness.

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GIZ - Commercial Law Needs Assessment

May 2011

Afghan businesses’ lack of legal knowledge and access to legal advice frustrates economic growth in the region. Improved access would bring increased certainty to the marketplace, decrease business risk, and stimulate more informed business decision-making and domestic investment in the north of Afghanistan.

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World Bank & UNHCR – Research Study on IDPs in urban settings - Afghanistan

May 2011

Part of broader World Bank research on poverty in Afghanistan, the study focuses on IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) living in informal settlements in urban centres as a vulnerable segment of the population. The study discusses characteristics, livelihood strategies and vulnerabilities of households living in informal settlements in three urban centres in Afghanistan: Kabul, Kandahar and Herat. It finds that a comprehensive and integrated approach to displacement in urban areas is needed, and argues that sustainable solutions for IDPs in informal settlements must be developed, not simply humanitarian interventions.

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MEI/FRS - Urban Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons

January 2011

How to respond to urban displacement and improve the care and maintenance to vulnerable displaced and returnee populations in Afghanistan’s main cities? After reviewing the background and context of urban displacement in Afghanistan, this paper aimed at highlighting the relevance and timeliness of analysing the movements of returnees and IDPs to Afghanistan’s main cities.

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PIN - Assessing Income generating Activities in Zare and Kishindih

August 2010

Commissioned by People in Need (PIN), this study was an assessment of the districts of Zara and Kishindih and the development of sustainable alternative income generation activities to bring the most benefit to the target beneficiaries. It also included a practical implementation plan including set up of sector associations of beneficiaries and market access strategies.

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