Posts tagged Ethics
ILO: Ethical guidelines for research on child labour

January 2024

Samuel Hall, in partnership with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine  have formulated Ethical Guidelines for Research on Child Labour, setting a new benchmark for safeguarding children's rights in research; funded by the United States Department of Labor.

The guidelines underscore the urgency of ethical considerations in researching child labour, emphasising a "do no harm" principle, informed consent, and the importance of respecting children's rights and dignity. 

Designed as a practical toolkit, the guidelines offer researchers clear methodologies for ethical decision-making, ensuring that the welfare of child participants is always prioritised.

Offering an ‘Ethical Checklist’ for all phases of the research; they serve as a compass guiding researchers through the ethical complexities of data collection, analysis, and dissemination, ensuring that the welfare of child participants is at the forefront.

These guidelines also offer a comprehensive toolkit for researchers, featuring decision trees -  to navigate consent processes in situations where obtaining consent may be complex. They also include strategies for anonymising data to protect children's identities while still allowing for impactful research outcomes.

These guidelines  aim to inspire a shift towards research methodologies that not only generate valuable insights but also protect and empower child participants. Read through these by clicking on the link and scroll through a summary of our ethical checklist during various phases of research. 

Read full report here.

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ILO: Ethical guidelines for research on forced labour

January 2024

Samuel Hall, in partnership with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine  have formulated Ethical Guidelines for Research on Forced Labour, setting a new benchmark and framework for safeguarding forced migrants’ rights in research; funded by the United States Department of Labor.

The guidelines provide a clear framework for addressing the complex ethical considerations in forced labour research, focusing on informed consent, privacy, and harm reduction. They serve as a guide for ethical research practices, ensuring the protection and respect of participants within this sensitive area of study.

Offering an ‘Ethical Checklist’ for all phases of the research; they serve as a compass guiding researchers through the ethical complexities of data collection, analysis, and dissemination, ensuring that the welfare of child participants is at the forefront.

These guidelines serve as a toolkit for researchers, encapsulating decision trees, checklists, and strategies for ethical dilemmas. They are designed to inspire a shift towards methodologies that not only generate insights but also protect and empower participants, particularly those at risk of or affected by forced labour.

Read full report here.

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