Posts tagged Samuel Hall
NRC: Evaluation Final Report Final Evaluation of the project "Integrated Emergency Aid for Conflict-Affected Populations in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon"

October 2024

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has been present in Cameroon since 2017 as part of their mission to respond to the Southwest and Northwest(SW and NW) crisis. NRC’s project “Integrated Emergency Aid for Conflict-Affected Populations in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon” focused on delivering multi-sectoral emergency assistance to communities in vulnerable situations, focusing on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), the project’s objectives align with the BHA’s mission of providing food and non-food international disaster aid to better support those in need of humanitarian assistance. NRC commissioned Samuel Hall to evaluate the success of their activities under the two phases of the projects entitled “Emergency Assistance and NFI Support for Vulnerable Communities Affected by Displacement in the Southwest and Northwest regions of Cameroon” from 2020 to 2022 and “Integrated Emergency Aid for Conflict-Affected Populations in the Northwest and Southwest Region of Cameroon” from 2022 to 2024.

Read full Report here.

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Samuel Hall - Against The Clock : Our Position On Climate Migration

March 2022

For over ten years, we have worked in fragile and conflict-prone settings across 60+ countries. Many of the places we know, and the communities we work with, are among the most vulnerable to climate change. Our experience tells us that there are several gaps in climate and migration research – gaps that urgently need addressing.

Samuel’s Hall’s latest short paper outlines our position on climate migration. In a context where climate migration has been characterised by some as a ‘worse case scenario’, and yielded by populists and nationalists to stoke fear, there is a need for evidence-based policy-making derived from research that centres the voices of communities.

Focusing on the need for rapid, community-owned and led action, this report nods to local governance initiatives leading climate justice movements across the globe and spotlights some of our key projects and commitments in this area.

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Samuel Hall – 10 Years of Impact

March 2021

COVID-19 has thrown research under the global spotlight and there is an almost unprecedented demand for monitoring and data analysis. The need for evidence-based humanitarian decision-making and prioritisation is great. We must ensure that research and aid are not blinkered and keep the world’s most vulnerable populations in mind.

Our industry is grappling with the best ways to create, capture and evaluate impact – not least because funding is increasingly tied to measuring it. This short report explores what 'impact' means in the context of research into migration and displacement.

It highlights some of our most impactful projects from the last ten years; touches on the ways that COVID-19 has changed research; nods to partnerships that have helped us to make a difference; and features some fascinating Q&As on what impact means to various experts.

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