Posts tagged Cameroon
JLMP: Access to justice and reporting mechanisms for migrant workers: Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities across five JLMP Action Member States

Over 80 per cent of the labour migration flows of African nationals have been intraregional and occurred within the African continent. When it is well-governed, labour migration can provide many benefits to countries of origin and destination via economic growth, social and financial remittances, market development, and skills exchange. In the context of a surge of cross-country labour mobility, however, the risks for migrant workers to suffer discrimination and abuse also increase. 

Against this backdrop, and under the Catalytic Actions for the Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP Action), the African Union Commission (AUC), working with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), is providing technical support to its Member States on improving access to justice and strengthening institutional mechanisms for migrant workers. 

The objective of this research was to map and identify the challenges that both migrant workers and national authorities may face when managing complaints to develop a sustainable, gender-responsive, and accessible reporting mechanism for both men and women migrant workers, in the five JLMP Action target Member States, namely Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Malawi, and Morocco, employing a human rights-based approach and gender lens.

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IOM: Returning to Debt - Examining the Effects of Indebtedness on Reintegration Outcomes

February 2023

Samuel Hall in partnership with EU- IOM Knowledge Management Hub and the University of Sussex funded by the European Union conducted a study that builds on previous research on debt and reintegration by analysing migrant returnees’ and their households’ experiences with debt in five countries - Bangladesh, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ghana, and Iraq.

Our findings show that debt impacts all aspects of the migration cycle and experience and can take diverse forms. Debt and indebtedness are common in migrants’ and returnees’ lives and are not inherently negative for reintegration, but specific debt characteristics can be. There is a need to advocate to reduce costs of migration while also making structural legal changes to ease the burden of indebtedness on migrants.

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Listen to the ‘Returnees' indebtedness: Addressing barriers to sustainable reintegration’ episode on the Exploring Migrant Reintegration Podcast

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IOM: Labour Market Survey in North- West, South-West Regions of Cameroon for the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus

July 2022

The International Organisation for Migration commissioned Samuel Hall to produce a Labour Market Assessment (LMA) in the North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon, with the financial support of the Government of Japan. The LMA assesses the needs and challenges of the demand-side (employers) and supply-side (employees and job seekers), in addition to labour market intermediaries in the region, in the context of the Anglophone crisis, to ensure that interventions offered to vulnerable persons and returnees effectively create sustainable livelihoods and youth engagement opportunities. It also aims to facilitate wider discussions around conflict-sensitive approaches to NWSW peacebuilding programming, the humanitarian-development-peace nexus (HDPN), social cohesion, and key criteria for durable solutions.

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IOM - Community Mapping and Socio-Economic Profiling of Communities of Return in West Africa

August 2019

Samuel Hall was commissioned by IOM under the EUTF-funded joint initiative to conduct a regional assessment of communities of return in 11 West African countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, and Senegal). The Joint Initiative seeks to strengthen the reintegration of returning migrants. Along with a socio-economic assessment of each community, Samuel Hall mapped key stakeholders, their capacities and existing services to support IOM regional offices in developing effective reintegration activities.

Download Burkina Faso Report (French)

Download Cameroon Report (French)

Download Côte D'Ivoire Report (French)

Download The Gambia Report

Download Ghana Report

Download Guinea Report (French)

Download Guinea Bissau Report

Download Mali Report (French)

Download Mauritania Report (French)

Download Nigeria Report

Download Senegal Report (French)

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