Posts tagged Africa
NRC: Evaluation Final Report Final Evaluation of the project "Integrated Emergency Aid for Conflict-Affected Populations in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon"

October 2024

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has been present in Cameroon since 2017 as part of their mission to respond to the Southwest and Northwest(SW and NW) crisis. NRC’s project “Integrated Emergency Aid for Conflict-Affected Populations in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon” focused on delivering multi-sectoral emergency assistance to communities in vulnerable situations, focusing on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), the project’s objectives align with the BHA’s mission of providing food and non-food international disaster aid to better support those in need of humanitarian assistance. NRC commissioned Samuel Hall to evaluate the success of their activities under the two phases of the projects entitled “Emergency Assistance and NFI Support for Vulnerable Communities Affected by Displacement in the Southwest and Northwest regions of Cameroon” from 2020 to 2022 and “Integrated Emergency Aid for Conflict-Affected Populations in the Northwest and Southwest Region of Cameroon” from 2022 to 2024.

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JLMP: Access To Justice and Gender-Responsive Reporting Mechanisms for Migrant Workers- A practical Guide for State Authorities

The Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) is a long-term joint initiative of the African Union, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in coordination with relevant partners operating on the African continent, development cooperation actors, private sector organisations and civil society organisations (CSOs).

This Practical Guide offers instructions and a step-by-step process to develop a State-led accessible, rights-based and gender-responsive reporting mechanism for women and men migrant workers. It provides clear instructions for concerned State authorities to understand how to set up and run a State-led reporting mechanism that is gender-responsive and maximises safety and effectiveness. 

Moreover, this guide has been informed by and aligned with the main standard setting documents and frameworks on the subject, such as the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, AU Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers and the AU Guidelines on Developing Bilateral Labour Agreements (BLAs), as well as the African Union’s Migration Policy Framework for Africa (AU MPFA 2018-2030) and the United Nations Guiding principles on business and human rights. 

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JLMP: Access to justice and reporting mechanisms for migrant workers: Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities across five JLMP Action Member States

Over 80 per cent of the labour migration flows of African nationals have been intraregional and occurred within the African continent. When it is well-governed, labour migration can provide many benefits to countries of origin and destination via economic growth, social and financial remittances, market development, and skills exchange. In the context of a surge of cross-country labour mobility, however, the risks for migrant workers to suffer discrimination and abuse also increase. 

Against this backdrop, and under the Catalytic Actions for the Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP Action), the African Union Commission (AUC), working with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), is providing technical support to its Member States on improving access to justice and strengthening institutional mechanisms for migrant workers. 

The objective of this research was to map and identify the challenges that both migrant workers and national authorities may face when managing complaints to develop a sustainable, gender-responsive, and accessible reporting mechanism for both men and women migrant workers, in the five JLMP Action target Member States, namely Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Malawi, and Morocco, employing a human rights-based approach and gender lens.

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Equal Partnerships: Creating Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships to Address Urban Migration and Displacement in African Intermediary Cities

January 2024

African local governments are increasingly experiencing core issues of migration and displacement and their cities are directly impacted by (inter)national policies and (the absence of) funding flows. Nevertheless, national policymakers, international organizations and donors rarely consider local governments as relevant partners to address mixed migration. These cooperation gaps are problematic since human mobility plays an important role for African intermediary cities’ physical, social, and economic urban planning. Networked approaches could help bridging such cooperation gaps and breaking up policy silos. To explore opportunities and challenges of multi-stakeholder partnerships for urban migration governance the Equal Partnerships project organized participatory research, workshops, and networking formats with six cities in East, West and North Africa. This policy paper presents central recommendations for collaborative urban migration governance addressed to local and national governments, civil society, migrant and refugee associations, international organizations, private sector actors, and donors.

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ILO: Assessment of Legal Labour Migration Frameworks in Africa

August 2022

Labour migration has been gradually rising on the international agenda and has also been recognised as representing a significant opportunity for development. Significant labour migration flows of African nationals are intraregional and occur within the African continent. The latest continental assessment dates back to 2004, an update was needed to understand how regulations and frameworks in AU member states have adapted to contemporary labour migration.

Thus Samuel Hall was commissioned by the ILO to identify gaps and assess legislations, regulations (including labour codes) in AU Member States and Regional Economic Committees (RECs) and practices affecting migrant workers’ access to labour rights and benefits.

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ICMPD – Study on Return, Readmission and Reintegration Programmes in Africa

April 2021

ICMPD commissioned Samuel Hall to examine existing return, re-admission, and reintegration (RRR) programming in Africa. This study involved 1. Overview analysis of legal frameworks at regional, continental, and international levels. 2. An in-depth review of RRR initiatives and programming in 10 African Union (AU) member states. 3. Identification of lessons learned from countries of return, including RRR best practices, standards and procedures. It presents recommendations for sustainable RRR programming to the African Union Commission (AUC), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), and individual AU member states, and will directly inform the development of a continental policy on RRR.

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