Posts tagged IRC
ADSP: Solutions for Afghan nationals ordered to return from Pakistan

May 2024

Since 2022, Samuel Hall, has been working with Asia Displacement Solutions Platform (ADSP) to create a space for research and advocacy on durable solutions, building on existing data. The Asia Displacement Solutions Platform (ADSP) is a joint initiative of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) which works to contribute to the development of comprehensive solutions for displaced populations in Asia. The aim of this series of briefs is to focus on the sub-regional protection needs of Afghan refugees, inform and raise awareness on the specific needs of demographic groups.

This Briefing Note focuses on the state of returns of Afghan nationals from Pakistan in the last quarter of 2023. It presents data collected from a mission in Afghanistan, to Torkham and Jalalabad, in November 2023, protection monitoring data collected by DRC and the Protection Cluster, and additional data from organisations working closely on the issue.

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DRC/NRC/IRC - Unprepared for (re)integration: Lessons Learned from Afghanistan, Somalia, and Syria on Refugee Returns to Urban Areas

January 2020

This research was designed to support the thinking and planning around (re-)integration by identifying obstacles to preparedness of stakeholders for return and (re-)integration in refugee return settings. The study generates operational learning to enable NGOs, UN agencies, donors, government actors, and displacement-affected communities (DACs) to strengthen (re-) integration programming. It does so by reviewing achievements, challenges, opportunities, and critical success factors required for enhancing preparedness in return settings.

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