Posts tagged Refugees
ADSP: Expert Analysis: Water, climate, and refuge across Afghanistan and the sub-region

October 2024

For over 40 years, Iran and Pakistan have been home to Afghan refugees. Today both countries host over 90% of the world’s Afghan refugees and other migrants in refugee like situations (over 8 million people). The region of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran also ranks as high or very high among countries at risk to impacts of climate change – where water, as a resource, is especially scarce. Afghanistan and Pakistan rank low on the capacity to deal with the impacts of climate change, whilst Iran is ranked as an upper-middle country. Any durable solution for Afghan displacement in the region must integrate concerns related to climate change, and resources, including – and especially water.

This expert analysis draws from interviews conducted in Pakistan, expert opinions, media reports, policy reports, and secondary data and provides three country profiles for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. Focused on climate, water, and Afghan migration, each section provides pathways forward for durable solutions for displacement, climate change, and water, with an emphasis on regional cooperation.

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ADSP: Solutions for Afghan nationals ordered to return from Pakistan

May 2024

Since 2022, Samuel Hall, has been working with Asia Displacement Solutions Platform (ADSP) to create a space for research and advocacy on durable solutions, building on existing data. The Asia Displacement Solutions Platform (ADSP) is a joint initiative of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) which works to contribute to the development of comprehensive solutions for displaced populations in Asia. The aim of this series of briefs is to focus on the sub-regional protection needs of Afghan refugees, inform and raise awareness on the specific needs of demographic groups.

This Briefing Note focuses on the state of returns of Afghan nationals from Pakistan in the last quarter of 2023. It presents data collected from a mission in Afghanistan, to Torkham and Jalalabad, in November 2023, protection monitoring data collected by DRC and the Protection Cluster, and additional data from organisations working closely on the issue.

Read full Briefing note here.

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JLMP: Access To Justice and Gender-Responsive Reporting Mechanisms for Migrant Workers- A practical Guide for State Authorities

The Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) is a long-term joint initiative of the African Union, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in coordination with relevant partners operating on the African continent, development cooperation actors, private sector organisations and civil society organisations (CSOs).

This Practical Guide offers instructions and a step-by-step process to develop a State-led accessible, rights-based and gender-responsive reporting mechanism for women and men migrant workers. It provides clear instructions for concerned State authorities to understand how to set up and run a State-led reporting mechanism that is gender-responsive and maximises safety and effectiveness. 

Moreover, this guide has been informed by and aligned with the main standard setting documents and frameworks on the subject, such as the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, AU Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers and the AU Guidelines on Developing Bilateral Labour Agreements (BLAs), as well as the African Union’s Migration Policy Framework for Africa (AU MPFA 2018-2030) and the United Nations Guiding principles on business and human rights. 

Read full report here.

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ILO – Rapid assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on labour markets in Ethiopia: A case study of the Somali and Tigray regions

April 2021

The Somali and Tigray regional states of Ethiopia are among the country’s main regions where refugees have sought shelter, but both face various socio-economic challenges that undermine the livelihoods of both host communities and refugees. Commissioned by the ILO, Samuel Hall assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on displacement-affected labour markets in targeted PROSPECTS intervention areas in the Somali and Tigray regional states, to gather evidence on current local socio-economic environments and inform the design of relevant and context-specific measures.

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HIF/Samuel Hall - Innovating Mobile Solutions for Refugees in East Africa

February 2018

This study takes a significant step towards deciphering the degree to which mobile phone coverage, access to smartphones, awareness of mobile-based services and technical literacy affect the role mobile technology can play in supporting refugees.

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NRC/ICRI/EU/NMFA - Regional Workshop Report on Afghan Displaced Youth

March 2016

The outcome of this workshop is concrete and operational: a set of possible key objectives and indicators that can help guide NGOs in their work with Afghan refugee youth, as well as facilitate improved donor and host government understanding of key issues. The centrality of better data was voiced by all NGOs present, a priority need in Iran and Pakistan, as well as upon return to Afghanistan, to enable tailored programming that support youth’s potential and are aligned with their aspirations.

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NRC - Evaluation of NRC's Youth Education Pack (YEP)

July 2014

This report is an evaluation of the YEP project using the OECD-DAC criteria and substantive quantitative, qualitative and contextual information from the field.

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