October 2024
For over 40 years, Iran and Pakistan have been home to Afghan refugees. Today both countries host over 90% of the world’s Afghan refugees and other migrants in refugee like situations (over 8 million people). The region of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran also ranks as high or very high among countries at risk to impacts of climate change – where water, as a resource, is especially scarce. Afghanistan and Pakistan rank low on the capacity to deal with the impacts of climate change, whilst Iran is ranked as an upper-middle country. Any durable solution for Afghan displacement in the region must integrate concerns related to climate change, and resources, including – and especially water.
This expert analysis draws from interviews conducted in Pakistan, expert opinions, media reports, policy reports, and secondary data and provides three country profiles for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. Focused on climate, water, and Afghan migration, each section provides pathways forward for durable solutions for displacement, climate change, and water, with an emphasis on regional cooperation.
Read full Expert Analysis here
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