Posts tagged Kabul
Planning for Inclusive Urban Solutions in Afghanistan - From the Protracted Displacement in an Urban World Consortium

May 2024

Afghanistan hosts over 3.2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and over 17 million returnees, with half a million Afghan nationals repatriated from Pakistan in late 2023 alone. This reality calls for new investments in inclusive urban solutions.

Our research in Afghanistan through the Protracted Displacement in an Urban World (PDUW) project led by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)  from 2020 to 2023 focuses on long-term displacement experiences in urban areas and settlements - with the aim to build a robust evidence base to engage in a conversation with local actors and advocate for inclusive urban solutions through participatory forum planning processes.

This two-pager outlines the specifics of the research conducted in Afghanistan spanning from 2020 to 2024. The project comprised 889 initial surveys that informed 5 participatory forums engaging diverse stakeholders. The findings, based on three interrelated themes; wellbeing, livelihoods (with a particular focus on women), and urban city planning, provide invaluable insights into the overlooked dynamics of protracted displacement.

For a deeper understanding of the project's outcomes, please refer to the 2-pager and the attached outputs.

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NRC - Going "Home" to Displacement

December 2017

The data presented in this case study is drawn from 2017 research on IDPs’ protection needs carried out by Samuel Hall for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). A large quantitative survey was conducted in Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Kunduz and Nangarhar provinces, where data was collected in rural, peri-urban and urban areas. Of 2,580 respondents, 1,161 were returnee-IDPs and 1,420 other IDPs. The sample data is neither representative nor random, but combined with focus group discussions with displaced people and other community members, the research captures their narratives, protection needs and experiences.

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Children in Crisis - Hope Behind Bars: The Boys of the Kabul Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre

August 2017

This research offers a pragmatic view of the lived experiences of children in the Kabul Juvenile Rehabilitation Centre (JRC) and situates detention within their life events, where neglected needs and incurred stresses impact their later adult lives and life opportunities

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OCHA - February Humanitarian Bulletin

March 2017

Conflict, disasters, and other humanitarian emergencies have broad reaching consequences, but often lost in emergency responses are the psychosocial impacts of these events. Yet such crises can have a detrimental effect on psychosocial wellness, as demonstrated by Samuel Hall research with urban youth in Kabul. Our data shows that the mental health of these youth should absolutely be considered a priority – the time for action is now.

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Samuel Hall - Urban Displaced Youth in Kabul - Part 1: Mental Health Matters

June 2016

Largely ignored for over 10 years, the role of Afghanistan’s youth in transition has been increasingly in the spotlight since 2013, the year of the National Youth Policy. Much more needs to be done to bring change for youth as 60% of Afghanistan’s population is under the age of 24. Taking the case of Kabul’s urban displaced youth, this study shows just how. This is the first of a three-part series that will be released between now and August 2016, ahead of the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan.

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Shamshad TV - Audience Research for the Marketing and Communications Department

July 2015

In order to continue being a company that duly caters to its customers, Shamshad TV commissioned Samuel Hall with a phone-based audience research. Conducted in Kabul and other relevant provinces, it targeted a sample of 2000 respondents, both male and female. This research aims shape Shamshad TV’s future strategy in terms of programming and time viewership.

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Womanity Foundation - School-In-A-Box Endline Survey 2015

June 2015

This evaluation, the fourth of its kind, was commissioned to assess conditions at twelve schools where the programme is completed or ongoing, as well as three schools where it is soon expected to commence.

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HARAKAT - Special Economic Zones in Afghanistan

July 2015

To help the Government of Afghanistan (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) and its partners promote ambitious economic and employment generation schemes in the country, this report investigates the economic context for Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Afghanistan across seven regions in the country: Kabul, Balkh, Nangarhar, Paktia, Kunduz, Kandahar, and Herat.

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DRC/PIN - Urban Poverty and Food Insecurity in Afghanistan

November 2014

People in Need (PIN) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) commissioned Samuel Hall to conduct a large urban poverty study in Kabul, Herat, Jalalabad, Mazar-e- Sharif and Kandahar. The study is based on a 5,400-household survey and will be presented to key stakeholders during a series of consultation in September 2014.

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IOM - Evaluating IOM’s Return and Reintegration Activities for Returnees and Other Displaced Populations

August 2014

This evaluation presents key findings from an assessment of IOM’s return and reintegration activities (2008 – 2013) in the provinces of Kabul, Nangarhar, Nimroz and Heart in Afghanistan. These activities included: post-arrival assistance, livelihood assistance and shelter assistance for deported and voluntary returnees and other vulnerable groups.

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DRC/WHH - Cash-Based Assistance Programmes for IDPs in the Kabul Informal Settlements

May 2014

Samuel Hall was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the 2013/2014 winter’s cash interventions through a three-phased approach including a baseline, midline and endline survey of their winter cash assistance activities in the KIS through a field- and evidence-based, quantitative and qualitative research study.

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Womanity Foundation - School-In-A-Box Midline Survey 2013

August 2013

This report examines the work of Womanity Foundation in 3 model Afghan schools in Kabul and Kapisa provinces. The ‘School in a Box’ initiative aims at creating model institutions for girl’s education that can function as learning hubs.

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DRC - Cash Programme Review for IDPs in the KIS

May 2013

DRC commissioned Samuel Hall to research the relevance and applicability of cash-based interventions in the Kabul Informal Settlements, with a focus on identifying the risks and protection issues for a cash approach, and assessing its viability for IDPs.

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The Heinrich Böll Stiftung (HBS) - The Challenge of Becoming Invisible

February 2012

This report presents the findings of a Women’s Safety Audit conducted in 10 public locations in Kabul city. It is designed to give a voice to women’s safety and security concerns and sets forth a number of recommendations to address the challenge of improving women’s security in public spaces in Kabul.

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Solidarités International - Sustaining the Working Poor in the Kabul Informal Settlements

December 2012

This third study by Samuel Hall on the living conditions of Afghan IDPs contributes to the knowledge needed to mainstream protection in policy responses.

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MACCA - Mine Risk Education and Perception of Deminers

June 2012

The Mine Action Co-ordination Centre of Afghanistan (MACCA) commissioned Samuel Hall to assess the current approach to Mine Risk Education, and community perceptions of deminers. The findings are based on fieldwork conducted in 2012 in Kabul, Parwan and Paktia through a survey of 500 individuals and focus groups with community members, deminers and land mine survivors.

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The Heinrich Böll Stiftung (HBS) - Gender Dynamics of Kabul Women and Police

December 2011

The report sought to: i) establish a gender-focused baseline for the evaluation of community trust-building and police capacity building programmes; ii) identify major trends and evolutions in public perceptions of the ANP in Kabul, notably amongst women, and; iii) propose pragmatic recommendations for improving the relationship between Afghan women and the police.

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