Womanity Foundation - School-in-a-box Baseline Survey

February 2012

The “School in a Box” supports quality education for girls up to the end of secondary school, and includes training for teachers in innovative teaching methods; the use of scientific labs; English language, computer and physical education methods. This report provided a baseline survey of the schools enrolled on the programme in 2011.

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The Heinrich Böll Stiftung (HBS) - Gender Dynamics of Kabul Women and Police

December 2011

The report sought to: i) establish a gender-focused baseline for the evaluation of community trust-building and police capacity building programmes; ii) identify major trends and evolutions in public perceptions of the ANP in Kabul, notably amongst women, and; iii) propose pragmatic recommendations for improving the relationship between Afghan women and the police.

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UNICEF - Assessment of Out of School Children and JOGI Communities

November 2011

The Jogi, the Chori Frosh and other segments of the Jat population are the most marginalised communities in Afghanistan. These communities suffer from a status as complete ‘outsiders’ in Afghan society and have remained almost entirely invisible to Afghan authorities, international donors and academics alike.

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ILO - Buried in Bricks, A Study on Bonded Labour in Brick Kilns

November 2011

This study was a rapid assessment of one of the most prevalent, yet least known, forms of hazardous labour in Afghanistan – for both children and adults – and one of the worst forms of labour for children in particular. Narrowing in on one sector, this report strived to provide an accurate depiction of bonded labour practices in brick kilns in two provinces of Afghanistan.

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Mercy Corps - Economic Assessment and Labour Market Survey

November 2011

This economic assessment report is based on desk research, labour market assessments and analyses and key stakeholder interviews in the four targeted provinces – Balkh, Baghlan, Kunduz and Kandahar – to identify growth sectors and jobs and technical vocational skills in greatest demand in each province in order to inform a skills training programme design process.

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ODI - Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium

October 2011

Over the last decade, the international community has allocated billions of dollars in funding for programming in livelihoods, service provision and social protection; however there has been little accompanying investment in research as a sector or as an internal capacity. Livelihoods remain under researched in Afghanistan.

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WFP - Redefining Humanitarian Assistance in Afghanistan

July 2011

This policy paper reviewed the changing humanitarian context for United Nations agencies in Afghanistan and provided the World Food Programme (WFP) with strategic recommendations on how to position itself in this context, fulfil a complex mandate and re-orient its programmes for increased technical and financial effectiveness.

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GIZ - Commercial Law Needs Assessment

May 2011

Afghan businesses’ lack of legal knowledge and access to legal advice frustrates economic growth in the region. Improved access would bring increased certainty to the marketplace, decrease business risk, and stimulate more informed business decision-making and domestic investment in the north of Afghanistan.

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World Bank & UNHCR – Research Study on IDPs in urban settings - Afghanistan

May 2011

Part of broader World Bank research on poverty in Afghanistan, the study focuses on IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) living in informal settlements in urban centres as a vulnerable segment of the population. The study discusses characteristics, livelihood strategies and vulnerabilities of households living in informal settlements in three urban centres in Afghanistan: Kabul, Kandahar and Herat. It finds that a comprehensive and integrated approach to displacement in urban areas is needed, and argues that sustainable solutions for IDPs in informal settlements must be developed, not simply humanitarian interventions.

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MEI/FRS - Urban Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons

January 2011

How to respond to urban displacement and improve the care and maintenance to vulnerable displaced and returnee populations in Afghanistan’s main cities? After reviewing the background and context of urban displacement in Afghanistan, this paper aimed at highlighting the relevance and timeliness of analysing the movements of returnees and IDPs to Afghanistan’s main cities.

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WFP - Review of Food-For-Training Campaign

December 2010

World Food Programme (WFP) Afghanistan has planned a systematic analysis of changes – positive or negative, intended or not – in people’s lives as brought about by the Food-For-Training (FFT) activities on livelihoods of participants and their communities. This report was the first comprehensive review of FFT in Afghanistan.

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Mission East - Review of Country Strategy

October 2010

This report was commissioned to provide input to Mission East’s Afghanistan strategy revision. It provided recommendations for adjustments to ME’s country strategy and programming to make them more coherent and focused on Early Recovery, and it presented a critical review of the organisation’s current livelihood and WASH strategy.

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PIN - Assessing Income generating Activities in Zare and Kishindih

August 2010

Commissioned by People in Need (PIN), this study was an assessment of the districts of Zara and Kishindih and the development of sustainable alternative income generation activities to bring the most benefit to the target beneficiaries. It also included a practical implementation plan including set up of sector associations of beneficiaries and market access strategies.

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AKDN/UCA - Undertaking the Faizabad Labour Market Survey

April 2010

To extend its reach and impact, the Khorog campus of the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPCE) delivered Training of Trainer programmes in vocational education/progressive technology implementation and administering scholarships to Afghan learners to take SPCE courses. This evaluation assessed the local economic situation and highlighted crucial sectors.

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