Posts in East & Southern Africa
Mercy Corps - Driven to leave: Aid & Migration

September 2018

Our policy briefs question the efficacy of traditional development investments that seek to deter migration from countries lacking basic rule of law and security; and question the impact of job training and skills building on migration intentions.

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Dutch MFA/NWO - Aspirations and Youth programming in Somalia and Afghanistan

April 2018

We undertook data analysis and primary data collection in Afghanistan, Somalia, Greece and Italy to understand the commonalities and differences in decision-making processes – whether to migrate or to stay – among youth in conflict-affected settings.

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ReDSS - Local Integration Focus: Refugees in Ethiopia

February 2018

This report provides recommendations on how to improve local integration and self-reliance programming, assessing the level of local integration in Gambela (Gambela city and Pugnido Camp) and Somali regions (Jigjiga and Kebribeyah Camp) for refugees who have lived in Ethiopia for 20 years.

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DEMAC - Creating Opportunities to Work With Diasporas in Humanitarian Settings

May 2018

This report sets out to understand how Diaspora organisations (DOs) contribute to strengthening humanitarian response in crisis settings. We explore opportunities to work with DOs in humanitarian action through six case studies of DOs operating in Somalia and Syria.

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HIF/Samuel Hall - Innovating Mobile Solutions for Refugees in East Africa

February 2018

This study takes a significant step towards deciphering the degree to which mobile phone coverage, access to smartphones, awareness of mobile-based services and technical literacy affect the role mobile technology can play in supporting refugees.

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British Council - Youth Employment in Kenya

December 2017

Samuel Hall provided the British Council and other interested stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of the current employment challenges and opportunities for Kenya’s 10 million youth. In addition to clear and evidence-based policy recommendations, the final report also featured precise suggestions for future research endeavours, which informed subsequent actions of the Next Generation project in Kenya.

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EARF - Understanding Intra-Regional Labour Migration in the East Africa Community - Literature Reveiw

July 2017

The aim of this study, commissioned by DFID and Sida and conducted by Samuel Hall, Maastricht University and the University of Oxford, is to generate new evidence to support government and development interventions aimed at eliminating poverty and reducing vulnerabilities in the EAC by exploring the potential of labour migration across five countries: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.

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ODI - Journeys on Hold

March 2017

Samuel Hall supported ODI in the development of this working paper that sets out to better understand whether, by providing alternative options, it is possible for policy-makers to prevent or reduce irregular migration from countries- and regions-of-origin. It looks at two measures in particular: in-country livelihood support, such as vocational trainings and loans, and refugee resettlement programming. Findings draw on qualitative interviews with Eritreans in both the northern province of Tigray as well as the country’s capital, Addis Ababa.

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HelpAge International - Older People in Situations of Migration in Africa: the Untold Story

February 2017

This briefing for HelpAge tells the untold story of older people in the migration ecosystem in Africa. It highlights the importance of including older people in migration policies and practice – whether they are left behind, on the move, or returning to their country of origin. It identifies the key challenges facing this generation, explores policy options and calls for more thorough research to improve understanding of the capabilities and needs of older people in situations of migration in Africa.

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UNICEF - Evaluation of the Youth Education Pack Programme in Somalia

January 2017

Based on the requirements of Global Outcome 5, an evaluation of the UNICEF YEP programme has been commissioned by UNICEF to understand lessons that can be learnt from providing informal education in Somalia, both in the terms of delivering relevant skills that can improve the lives of beneficiaries, and the impact a tailored curriculum can have on peace building in Somalia when drivers of conflict are taken into account. The central question of this evaluation is therefore: ‘Has the implementation of YEP in Somalia had an impact on conflict drivers among marginalised youth by reducing reliance on negative coping and strategies and improving access to sustainable livelihoods?’

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ILO - Scoping Study on Public-Private Development Partnerships in the Renewable Energy Sector

December 2016

This Scoping Study for a Renewable Energy Skills Development PPDP Facility seeks to understand how a PPDP (Public Private Development Partnership) training initiative can successfully bridge the renewable energy skills gap in the Somali power sector while ensuring a sustainable impact on the local population.

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Mercy Corps - Evaluation of the Somali Youth Leaders Initiative

November 2016

Understanding what works to reduce violence, including violent extremism, is a key priority for many policymakers. Despite this need, to date there is very little research evaluating the effects of development programs on violence reduction. To address this knowledge gap, Mercy Corps undertook a rigorous impact evaluation of a 5-year stability-focused youth program in Somalia known as the Somali Youth Leaders Initiative (SYLI).

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IHDG/SDC - Adkaysi! Joint Analysis of Donor Engagements Related to Resilience in Somalia

October 2016

Resilience programming in Somalia is not ineffective, but its results are still merely accumulative, and it has the opportunity to increase its capacity to a great extent. This assessment makes clear that donors are the key agents of change, emphasizing the critical nature of coordination and long-term over short-term priorities. This report provides insight into local community perspectives on resilience and will help inform discussions on the complex nature of resilience initiatives within Somalia.

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DRC/UDI - Returns to Somalia: Setting Protection and Livelihood Standards

September 2016

Returns to (post-)conflict and fragile settings, from Afghanistan to Somalia, are increasing. The literature is clear on the return challenges to such contexts, and the diverse array of expectations of (re-)integration that differ depending on age, gender, timing and duration of exile, and conditions in exile. What this report measures is therefore not the impact of a program, as the overall context includes this complex backdrop of hopes and dreams, caught by reality and ultimately, by unplanned outcomes.

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NRC - Thinking Forward About Livelihoods for Refugees in Ethiopia

August 2016

This study was commissioned by NRC Ethiopia to document lessons learned as well as to provide a strategic framework to inform NRC’s positioning on integrated programming. It examines the role of NRC in the provision of refugee livelihoods and education.

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ReDSS - Durable Solutions Review in East Africa

July 2016

By reviewing existing initiatives, frameworks and commitments in the search of durable solutions in the region, this study conducted by Samuel Hall looks at good practices, challenges and opportunities. The objective is to have a better understanding of the current landscape to improve coordination and to inform a learning and capacity development agenda across stakeholders.

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DRC/AAH/UNHCR - Kakuma Market Assessment

June 2016

This report provides an evidence-based strategy for increasing employment opportunities and skills development for protracted and recent refugees in Kakuma refugee camp. By focusing on economic integration and capacity development, it directly contributes to the durable and transitional solutions agenda.

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UNHCR/Samuel Hall - Towards Durable Solutions: Expectations vs. Reality - Perceptions of Unassisted Returns to Somalia

December 2015

In 2015, Samuel Hall conducted a study to document conditions of unassisted spontaneous returns of Somalis. Starting with decision-making processes up to the conditions of returnees post-return, the study provides a cross border, longitudinal view of spontaneous return as a process that begins in Kenya.

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UNHCR - Beyond Copenhagen: A Toolbox for Durable Solutions

November 2015

The findings of the report “A New Deal for Somali’s Displaced? Exploring Opportunities of engagement for Durable Solutions with the Somalia New Deal Compact”, set displacement on the development agenda. This study follows from where the ReDSS study concluded to ask: How can durable solutions be operationalised within the Somalia New Deal’s Compact?

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