NRC - Access to Tazkera and Other Civil Documentation in Afghanistan

November 2016

The purpose of this research is to inform future work in supporting displacement-affected persons to access civil documentation as well as accessing other rights and services connected to it. This will in turn contribute to enabling persons affected by displacement to achieve durable solutions – whether through local integration, or return/settlement in another part of Afghanistan.

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IHDG/SDC - Adkaysi! Joint Analysis of Donor Engagements Related to Resilience in Somalia

October 2016

Resilience programming in Somalia is not ineffective, but its results are still merely accumulative, and it has the opportunity to increase its capacity to a great extent. This assessment makes clear that donors are the key agents of change, emphasizing the critical nature of coordination and long-term over short-term priorities. This report provides insight into local community perspectives on resilience and will help inform discussions on the complex nature of resilience initiatives within Somalia.

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DRC/UDI - Returns to Somalia: Setting Protection and Livelihood Standards

September 2016

Returns to (post-)conflict and fragile settings, from Afghanistan to Somalia, are increasing. The literature is clear on the return challenges to such contexts, and the diverse array of expectations of (re-)integration that differ depending on age, gender, timing and duration of exile, and conditions in exile. What this report measures is therefore not the impact of a program, as the overall context includes this complex backdrop of hopes and dreams, caught by reality and ultimately, by unplanned outcomes.

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NRC - Thinking Forward About Livelihoods for Refugees in Ethiopia

August 2016

This study was commissioned by NRC Ethiopia to document lessons learned as well as to provide a strategic framework to inform NRC’s positioning on integrated programming. It examines the role of NRC in the provision of refugee livelihoods and education.

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ReDSS - Durable Solutions Review in East Africa

July 2016

By reviewing existing initiatives, frameworks and commitments in the search of durable solutions in the region, this study conducted by Samuel Hall looks at good practices, challenges and opportunities. The objective is to have a better understanding of the current landscape to improve coordination and to inform a learning and capacity development agenda across stakeholders.

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DRC/AAH/UNHCR - Kakuma Market Assessment

June 2016

This report provides an evidence-based strategy for increasing employment opportunities and skills development for protracted and recent refugees in Kakuma refugee camp. By focusing on economic integration and capacity development, it directly contributes to the durable and transitional solutions agenda.

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Samuel Hall - Urban Displaced Youth in Kabul - Part 1: Mental Health Matters

June 2016

Largely ignored for over 10 years, the role of Afghanistan’s youth in transition has been increasingly in the spotlight since 2013, the year of the National Youth Policy. Much more needs to be done to bring change for youth as 60% of Afghanistan’s population is under the age of 24. Taking the case of Kabul’s urban displaced youth, this study shows just how. This is the first of a three-part series that will be released between now and August 2016, ahead of the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan.

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IOM - Assessment of Economic Opportunities Along the Afghan-Tajik Border

March 2016

The purpose of this assignment was to identify the needs and the economic potential in border communities on both sides, and point out initiatives with the potential to be scaled up to the benefit of local residents. The research questions addressed the potential of cross-border markets and possible synergies in cross-border labour market supply and demand. It considered existing initiatives with an eye to avoiding duplication of efforts.

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NRC/ICRI/EU/NMFA - Regional Workshop Report on Afghan Displaced Youth

March 2016

The outcome of this workshop is concrete and operational: a set of possible key objectives and indicators that can help guide NGOs in their work with Afghan refugee youth, as well as facilitate improved donor and host government understanding of key issues. The centrality of better data was voiced by all NGOs present, a priority need in Iran and Pakistan, as well as upon return to Afghanistan, to enable tailored programming that support youth’s potential and are aligned with their aspirations.

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NRC - The Impact of Cash Transfer Programmes on Protection Outcomes in Afghanistan

February 2016

Samuel Hall has been commissioned by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) to identify the effects and impact of cash-based programming on protection outcomes in Afghanistan, particularly in relation to ‘Do No Harm’ and minimising risks in terms of protection. This builds on Protection Outcomes In Cash Based Interventions: A Literature Review produced by DRC in January 2015 and which draws a number of conclusions on the impacts of CBIs on protection issues and recommends areas of further research.

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NMFA - Review of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' (NMFA) Support to ACTED in Faryab Province, 2013-2015

January 2016

Given the current worsening security situation in Afghanistan broadly and Faryab province more specifically, this evaluation is particularly timely: the identification of the success and challenges of existing of the current project are necessary to identify a realistic roadmap for the NFMA and ACTED, as this will prove a pivotal time in identifying necessary internal and external changes.

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UNHCR/Samuel Hall - Towards Durable Solutions: Expectations vs. Reality - Perceptions of Unassisted Returns to Somalia

December 2015

In 2015, Samuel Hall conducted a study to document conditions of unassisted spontaneous returns of Somalis. Starting with decision-making processes up to the conditions of returnees post-return, the study provides a cross border, longitudinal view of spontaneous return as a process that begins in Kenya.

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GIZ - Labour Market Needs Analysis in the Afghan Market Sector

November 2015

The objective of this nation-wide consultation was to a) provide a thorough picture of the specific skills demanded by the Afghan mining sector through the establishment of job-specific competency profiles; and b) based on the information gained through the first phase of the research, design workshops in close collaboration with private sector actors in order to improve the practical skillset of Afghan students in mining-related fields.

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UNHCR - Beyond Copenhagen: A Toolbox for Durable Solutions

November 2015

The findings of the report “A New Deal for Somali’s Displaced? Exploring Opportunities of engagement for Durable Solutions with the Somalia New Deal Compact”, set displacement on the development agenda. This study follows from where the ReDSS study concluded to ask: How can durable solutions be operationalised within the Somalia New Deal’s Compact?

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ASI/MOMP - Shaping Afghanistan's Natural Resources Strategy

November 2015

This study aims to provide the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) with a robust set of citizen and organisational feedback to refine its natural resources vision, the Extractive Industry Development Framework (EIDF), and strategic planning process.

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UN-Habitat - State of Afghan Cities Report

September 2015

This report shows that Afghan cities are a driving force of social and economic development, state-building and peace-building, yet their full potential has been constrained by the absence of an effective urban policy and regulatory framework, insufficient and poorly coordinated investment, and weak municipal governance and land management. Samuel Hall contributed its expertise to the urban economy analysis section of the report.

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IOM - Kenya Migration Profile

September 2015

Ongoing policy developments are shaping migration management, and Kenya’s role and strategic location in East Africa highlight political evolutions that continue to structure migration systems in Kenya. Data collection and analysis and preparation of the report were undertaken on behalf of IOM by the African Migration and Development Policy Centre with extensive technical support by Samuel Hall in the preparation, final drafting and capacity-building phases of the project.

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IOM - Investing in Somali Youth in Somaliland and Puntland

August 2015

This research is the first comprehensive study of Somaliland and Puntland’s youth migration and its linkages to employment. The research maps economic drivers of migration, youth livelihood opportunities, and interventions to support youth and local markets – unlocking solutions for youth employment in Somaliland and Puntland inclusive of the public and private sectors.

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