DFID - Mobile Cash Transfer for Humanitarian Action

May 2014

The objective of this study was to inform DFID about the effectiveness and value for money of setting up emergency short-term, cash-based projects for disaster affected populations. It contributes to DFID’s humanitarian knowledge base on the use of mobile technology for emergency food needs.

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NRC - Evaluation of NRC's Youth Education Pack (YEP)

July 2014

This report is an evaluation of the YEP project using the OECD-DAC criteria and substantive quantitative, qualitative and contextual information from the field.

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IOM - Afghanistan Migration Profile

July 2014

This Migration Profile for Afghanistan is a tool for enhancing policy coherence, evidence-based policymaking and the mainstreaming of migration into development planning. It provides detailed information on the migration patterns in Afghanistan with a focus on circular migration and remittances.

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NRC - Strengthening HLP Rights for Displaced Women in Afghanistan

July 2014

The objective of this study is to summarise trends from NRC’s legal case analysis and identify the challenges faced by displaced women in accessing their housing, land and property (HLP) rights. This study offers evidence and guidance for policymakers and NRC to help eliminate – not just outcomes – of gender inequality.

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DRC/WHH - Cash-Based Assistance Programmes for IDPs in the Kabul Informal Settlements

May 2014

Samuel Hall was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of the 2013/2014 winter’s cash interventions through a three-phased approach including a baseline, midline and endline survey of their winter cash assistance activities in the KIS through a field- and evidence-based, quantitative and qualitative research study.

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NRC - Living Out of Camp - Alternative to Camp-Based Assistance for Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia

May 2014

This research is the first study of alternatives to camp-based assistance in Ethiopia for Eritrean refugees, and the first thorough review of Ethiopia’s Out-of-Camp scheme (OCP).

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ACTED - Increasing the Access and Quality of Basic Education for Marginalized Girls in Faryab

December 2013

This baseline evaluation report for ACTED’s GEC implementation programme in Faryab comes at an important moment for the NGO, for Afghanistan and for the future of development assistance in areas marred by conflict.

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IOM - IDP Movement Tracking, Needs and Vulnerability Analysis - Afghanistan

May 2014

This study presents the results of IOM’s IDP Movement Tracking and Needs and Vulnerability Analysis Exercise conducted in Dec 2013 by Samuel Hall. It seeks to provide IOM – and its migration and displacement partners – with field-based evidence of issues that negatively impact both conflict and natural disaster-induced IDPs in Afghanistan.

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FMFBA - Assessing Potential for Micro Finance in Rural Livelihoods

October 2013

The First Micro Finance Bank (FMFB) has commissioned a report to conduct market research for the potential to disburse micro finance services in Bamyan and Kunduz provinces in Afghanistan. The objective is to inform FMFB of community preferences for micro finance so that it may tailor its products and delivery to adjust to their needs within the business end goals.

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DMOYA/UNFPA/UNDP/UNICEF - Future In Transition: A Participatory Assessment of the Afghan Youth

December 2013

As the Deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs drafts the National Youth Policy of Afghanistan, this report commissioned by DMoYA, UNFPA, UNDP, and UNICEF was a first of its kind to be a dedicated, up-to-date document on the youth. The purpose of this report is to understand the conditions, aspirations, and current state of youth in Afghanistan.

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IOM - Afghanistan Human Trafficking Study

December 2013

This report is intended to provide greater understanding of internal and cross-border TIP trends in Afghanistan by: i) clarifying concepts, ii) exploring causes and determinants of trafficking; iii) analysing trafficking patterns and trends; and iv) identifying lessons learned from applied counter-trafficking approaches.

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JID - Building the Resilience of Afghan Displaced Women

January 2014

Over 76% of Afghans have been forcibly displaced during their lifetime. In a situation of high vulnerabilities but low resilience, what is – and what can be – the response to Afghan women’s need for protection in displacement?

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Save the Children - Study on Schools as Zones of Peace

November 2013

In Afghanistan, children’s access to education has improved considerably during the last decade. Yet, security continues to deteriorate in many parts of the country, placing education gains for many children at risk. Schools, students, and educators in conflict settings are direct targets of threats and attacks. This document provides highlights from research conducted by Samuel Hall Consulting for Save the Children International (SCI) in 2013.

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ISAO - Yemen Evaluation of the INGO Safety Advisory Office

November 2013

Our evaluation of Yemen’s INGO Safety Advisory Office (ISAO) intervenes at a time of increasing political and security uncertainty in Yemen, and a redefinition of INGO roles in conflict and post-conflict settings. How can ISAO contribute to improved security management for INGOs in Yemen?

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UNHCR - Shelter Assistance Programme Evaluation

November 2012

Evaluating UNHCR shelter programme’s contribution to reintegration outcomes for returnees and IDPs. A decade and 220,000 units built: what should be the future of the shelter strategy? Analysis based on a sample of 4,488 respondents in 15 Afghan provinces.

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UNDP – Afghanistan Development Report

July 2014

From its initial focus on early recovery, the UNDP programme has evolved towards an increasingly substantive contribution to the cause of security and development in Afghanistan. UNDP has increasingly understood the importance of the institutions of democracy, state and rule of law in ensuring a smooth transition process with prospects of long-term peace and development.

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DRC - AfPak Labour Market Assessment

September 2013

Samuel Hall researchers aimed to assist DRC in planning for its livelihoods programming by answering the following key research question: ‘What are the segments of the Afghan urban labour market with the biggest labour supply gaps and future opportunities for displaced populations?’

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WFP - Humanitarian Assistance in a (Pre-) Conflict Afghanistan

May 2013

This 2nd context analysis for WFP Afghanistan elaborates on a series of likely scenarios (2013-2016) for humanitarian planning and programming during Transition. An edited piece with leading scholars – Dorronsoro, Giustozzi – on Afghanistan.

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